3 PhD Fellows in Register Epidemiology
The positions
3 PhD positions are available at the National Centre for Disease Control and Public Health(NCDC) in Tbilisi, Georgia/ UiT The Arctic University of Norway Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences affiliated with the research group System Epidemiology in the field of register-based epidemiology.
The workplace is at National Centre for Disease Control and Public Health(NCDC) in Tbilisi, Georgia. You must be able to start the position in a reasonable time, within 3 months after receiving the offer. Although the workplace is NCDC, you will be able to travel to Norway regularly for courses and supervision.
The positions are available from August 2021 for a period of four years. The nominal length of the PhD program is three years. The fourth year is distributed as 25% each year, and will mostly consist of register-related activities at NCDC.
The objectives of the positions are to complete research training to the level of a doctoral degree from UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
About the project
The projects focus on register-based epidemiology utilizing the Georgian Birth Registry (GBR) or similar registries under NCDC control. Data quality will decide if the suggested PhD projects are viable. The project offers a unique opportunity to conduct research in a multidisciplinary research group with high expertise in epidemiology, statistics, biology and medicine.
The PhD candidates will conduct research in the field register based epidemiology and reproductive health/or other health related issues with available register data.
Applicants are encouraged to contact Associate professor Erik Eik Anda for further information about the position:
- E-mail: erik.anda@uit.no
We offer:
- Supervision from experienced researchers.
- An interdisciplinary group of PhD candidates
- A large degree of independence
- Opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations
Application deadline – 30.04.2021
Master’s degree in global health/public health, epidemiology, reproductive health or similar. Master students finishing their thesis before 1st July 2021 can apply. You must document completion of your degree before commencement in the position. Basic skills in epidemiology, statistics and computer programming are required.
Emphasis will be put on the candidate's potential for research and personal suitability for the position. We seek a structured candidate with the ability to work independently and who responds well to supervision.
Admission to a PhD programme is a prerequisite for employment, and the programme period starts on commencement of the position. The PhD candidate must participate in the faculty’s organized research training, and the PhD project has to be completed during the period of employment. Documented knowledge of well spoken and written English are required. Information about the application process for admission to the PhD programme, application form and regulations for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) will be made available later.
The application must be submitted electronically via email to: hr@ncdc.ge and must include:
- Cover letter stating specifically which part of your education is most relevant for the position CV
- Diplomas, diploma supplements and transcripts (all degrees)
- Documentation of English proficiency.
- Contact information for 2 references (main supervisor for students)
- Master's thesis (one-page project summary for students) and any other academic works
- A maximum 2-page project proposal of what you think would make up a good PhD-project. Written in scientific type/style language.
All documentation has to be in English language.
General information:
As many as possible should have the opportunity to undertake organized research training. If you already hold a PhD or have equivalent competence, we will not appoint you to this position.
A shorter period of appointment may be decided when the PhD Fellow has already completed parts of their research training programme.
Remuneration for the position of PhD Fellow is in accordance with Georgian standards, NCDC etc...
A good work environment is characterized by diversity. We encourage qualified candidates to apply, regardless of their gender, functional capacity or cultural background.